Very Low Calorie Diets - What You Should Know About Them

By Jonas Varig

There are many types of diet plans to choose from, and very low calorie diets are one possibility. You shouldn't try one of these diets without some medical advice as they restrict your intake of calories to very low levels. While doctors will sometimes recommend them to patients who need to lose weight quickly, they're not safe for everyone. We shall be looking at some of the things related to very low calorie diets in this article.

While some experts claim that very low calorie diets are unhealthy, there's an alternative point of view that says they are they key to longevity. Severely cutting your calorie consumption can make the aging process slower, as well as prevent diseases, according to one theory that is mainly based on animal research. People that subscribe to this view might decide to go on a very low calorie diet even if their weight is fine because they think that it'll assist them in living for longer. An organization dedicated to this practice exists, and it's called the Calorie Restriction Society. No conclusive research has been done thus far on human beings to either disprove or prove the theory, however it's definitely worthy or studying further.

All over the world the diet OPTIFAST is used by hospitals as a very low calorie diet. This diet is mainly for people who have a BMI of over 30 which is around 50 pounds overweight. If you are only a little overweight then you should not be thinking about starting this diet. The OPTIFAST diet is operated within a medical setting, this is an advantage to you as your progress is being monitored by trained professionals. Since this program has been around since 1974, and more than a million people have gone through it, it has a solid track record for safety and effectiveness. On the other hand, if you are considering this program, you have to be committed to it, and be willing to make serious changes to your diet and lifestyle.

In England in the 1970s the Cambridge Diet, which is a very low calorie diet, was developed. Due to you receiving foods that are pre-packaged on this diet, your calorie intake will be low in addition to having all of the essential nutrition you need calculated for you. These can be in the form of meal bars, shakes and soups. This diet does have some disadvantages, even though people have been successful with it and it has been around for a while. On this diet you cannot do exercise that's very intense and you must drink plenty of water as to avoid dehydration. Also, people can find themselves fed up of consuming packaged meals. Before going on a diet like the Cambridge Diet you need to consult your doctor to find out whether it's safe for you.

These diets are not for every person wishing to shed a few pounds, but if you have checked with your doctor and he gives you the OK; you just might give it a try. There are a few different options, some of which we've looked at in this article. Prior to making your diet pick, deliberate and make a wise choice.

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