Vitamins - What You Need To Know

By Crystal Powers

Learning about vitamins can be confusing, especially when you are trying to figure out just what type of supplements you should be taking. We've all been told at one time or another, that if we ate a nutritionally balanced meal three times a day we wouldn't need dietary supplements or need to know about vitamins, but of course, this just isn't realistic in our society.

In fact, a lot of us don't always have time to eat at all let alone a nutritionally balanced meal three times a day since we are stressed out on a routine basis. Vitamins should never be substituted for good nutritional intake. In order for your body to accomplish all the tasks you have to attend to in a day, it would need fuel.

A good diet is one with plenty of calcium, protein, fats, carbohydrates, and fiber supplemented by vitamins as needed for specific health concerns.

Many food items are enriched with vitamins and minerals, like breads, pastas, and cereals. Information about vitamins listed on packaging includes the percentage of the daily recommended allowance of each, which will give you a pretty good idea how much you are getting of a certain vitamin or mineral. Calcium is an important mineral for women, and most sources about vitamins state that women should consume at least 1200-1500 mg of calcium daily. Most calcium supplements only contain 30-50% of the recommended daily amounts and must be supplemented by diet intake of other sources, such as cheese, yogurt, milk, and ice cream Vitamin D is included in some calcium supplements as well and it is also considered as an important vitamin which is essential to bone health. A vitamin supplement is usually the answer even though Vitamin D can be absorbed through the skin via sunlight due to the fact that people living in the northern states or the elderly don't always have this option.

Part of taking care of yourself is learning about vitamins and minerals that our bodies require for optimal health. You will find many sources available that will help you learn more about vitamins and how certain vitamin deficiencies as well as excess intake can also be detrimental to your health. Aside from taking an active role in your health, it is also important to be knowledgeable about vitamins in your cabinet and which are right for you. When you search the Internet, you will be able to find a lot of information when it comes to vitamins in various health publications or you can even ask a nutritionist or naturopathic physician for advice about vitamins and supplements as well as how you can implement them into your diet. Here's to your good health then!

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