A Look at Some Common Myths About Acne

By Edwin Edson

There are a lot of different ways that people treat acne, and they have to, because a lot of people have the condition. There are quite a few myths and misconceptions about acne, and people often have the wrong idea about what causes it. To help you gain a better understanding of acne, we'll be discussing some of the common myths that are often spread about it.

For the majority of people, they think only teenagers get acne. It might even be a worse problem for adults to have, because teenagers are expected to have acne. It might be small comfort, but you are part of a large group, when you get acne as a teenager, even though it can still cause emotional problems. When you make it past the teenage years and become acne free, it can be difficult for an adult to wake up with acne. There is no age limit for acne, as one half of women and a quarter of men, will have to deal with acne, long after their high school days. So, while it's not quite as common in adults, it's hardly unusual. There is no reason to stress out, because no matter what age you get acne, there are ways to treat it effectively.

One belief about acne that's still uncertain is whether or not stress can make it worse. It can be said that stress influences the hormones in your body. This can bring about acne. Stress is probably not the initial cause of acne. However, acne is aggravated by stress. Either way, if you are stress out about something, this will make your acne worse. So, try to figure out how you can reduce your stress levels. Quite naturally it would not be a good thing to let your pimples make you stressed out. This is what will happens to those who cannot not deal with their problematic acne. Just try to find a way around it. Keep in mind that there is a solution to your problem.

Should you worry about getting acne if you eat fried and junk foods? When you ask this question, there will be many answers that will back up both sides. While there are some doctors and researchers that will want to debate the subject, there is some proof that junk food is bad for acne. There is also some studies that show that some people suffer from acne when they eat or drink dairy products. This is on a case by case basis, because people have different reactions to food. But, everyone will agree that junk food should not be eaten in large amounts. If you eat a lot of chocolate and you have acne, you may want to experiment and stop eating chocolate for a while and see if this helps. Until more research clarifies this, you can only go by your own experience.

In conclusion, there is still lots of research being done about acne. Until more is known and a permanent cure is found, we have to be satisfied to work with the knowledge we do have and the treatments that are most effective. Many people have the wrong impression when it comes to acne. Acne has both good and bad theories going around about it.

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