Protein Supplements Boost the Benefits of Intense Workouts

By Nia Lawrence

You should be familiar with Optimum Nutrition Whey Protein if you work out to bulk up. Protein supplements are staples of bodybuilding programs, but these also benefit people looking for a faster way to replenish spent energy. As long as you're fit and lactose-tolerant (whey is a byproduct of milk curds), then you have every reason to boost your protein intake and maximize the benefits of your workout program. Whether your training aims for bulk, muscle tone, endurance, weight loss, or recovery, you'll need something that'll prep you for an intense session and help you replenish spent energy.

Optimum Whey Protein is but one of the many supplement brands out on the market; you'll be overwhelmed by the variety once you choose a formulation which complements your needs. Protein supplements come in three categories: isolates, concentrates, and blends. Isolates offer pure protein on each serving, free from additive carbohydrates and fats. You need to maximize the concentration if you're taking on intense training sessions, as is the case with bodybuilders and weightlifters. Protein concentrates are slightly diluted by carbs and fats, but the formulation is useful to endurance athletes who need extra calories to burn. In case your needs fall somewhere in between these extremes, you can opt for the customized formulations of protein blends. The variety of protein and nutrient combinations in blends should give you plenty of room to mix and match according to your session's requirements.

You should supplement your workout nutrition whey protein; protein shakes are proven to help muscles recover from intense exercises. These replenish muscle glycogen, your body's main source of energy. You'll exhaust your store of glycogen during physical activity, and you have to replace it so your body can recover from the exercise. If you're under a workout program, then you need to consume 1.4 to 2 grams of pure protein for every kilogram of your body weight. Endurance athletes only need the minimum amounts (1 to 1.6 grams for every kilogram of body weight), so they'll benefit from the combination of protein and calories in concentrates. You have to maximize your consumption if you're into strength training, about 1.6 to 2 grams of pure protein a day.

Protein supplements compensate for your daily needs, but these shouldn't replace a balanced diet. A high-protein meal plan of lean meat and beans should be complemented with the fiber, nutrients, vitamins, and minerals found in other food varieties. Supplements like Optimum Whey Protein are best consumed as a prepping and chasing beverage to intense workouts, but you still need to plan healthy meals in between the sessions.

Boost your body's energy resources and pair your workouts with protein shakes. Maximize the benefits of your program and adopt a holistic combination of motivation, diet, supplementation, exercise, and rest.

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