Three Great Ab Workouts You Should Do

By Jess Wister

You will find all sorts of suggestions for ab workouts if you search the web. There are classes to take, machines to buy, gyms to visit, or you can just exercise at home. When you choose any exercise program, you need to remember your own goals and fitness levels. It is also incredibly important to examine your whole lifestyle, especially your diet, because this will factor extremely into how you feel and how you look. It is quite important to take a look at your whole lifestyle, especially what you eat, because this will be a major factor in how you look and how you feel.

Some of the best ab workouts don't require any real equipment, and you don't have to go anywhere special to complete them. Riding a bike is one of these. Obviously there are benefits to be gained from bicycle riding and there are stationary bicycles at the gym but it is possible to do an effective copy cat exercise at home that simply mimics the motion of pedaling. Simply lay down on your floor or, better still: on an exercise mat. Your hands go behind your head, your knees bend at a forty five degree angle and then you simply do the same motion that you would do while pedaling a bicycle while touching one elbow to the opposite knee. Begin the exercise slowly and then, as you pedal build up speed.

You might not think a trampoline is a great abdominal workout but it really can be one. You can even benefit from the trampoline in a small or limited space by using a mini trampoline. You can find them at fitness stores or online. Not only do these things offer great low impact workouts for the whole body; they are a lot of fun to jump on! There are books, websites, videos and DVDs that will explain the specific exercises you can do on a trampoline but even just jumping up and down can offer some exercise and burn some calories while you tone your body (which includes your abs).

Some of these machines have the name "ab chair" however, there are different machines available as well. There are lots of great cardio workouts you can do like jogging, speed walking and using machines like exercise bikes, elliptical machines and treadmills. If you do just thirty minutes of cardiovascular activity, every day, along with other exercises that target your ab muscles, you will see a major difference in your body's fitness, and it will make it easier for you to show off your ab muscles since you will be losing fat from your mid-section.

Ab workouts can be done in many ways though the muscle groups that get targeted are all basically the same. Aside from doing a home exercise bike workout regularly to your abs, you need to make sure you do a fair amount of cardiovascular and resistance training to keep the rest of your body healthy as well. If you are diligent and patient, you can get a great deal of help by using the ab workouts outlined in this article. Try to make the most of every workout, and soon you'll start to see real improvements.

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