How A Physical Therapist Pittsburgh Can Help You

By Lana Bray

Physical therapy or physiotherapy helps patients return to their active lifestyles quickly. It strives to reduce pain, correct posture, increase flexibility and build strength. It combines therapeutic exercise with passive modalities to rehabilitate the spinal cord and other body parts. When you visit a physical therapist Pittsburgh, the professional will evaluate your condition and work with you to ensure that you get well.

Physiotherapy services are geared towards treating physical dysfunctions and preventing the further deterioration of body parts affected by aging, injury or disease. Some treatment plans may also consist of supervised weight loss, functional retraining or strengthening. The goals of physiotherapy include reducing muscle spasm, inflammation, pain and increasing strength and mobility.

When you consult with a physiotherapist in Pittsburgh, he or she can help you relearn basic motor skills like getting in bed and out, walking and how to walk with prosthetics or crutches. Physiotherapists treat many disorders including whiplash, fibromyalgia, sciatica, Spondylolisthesis, Spondylosis, degenerative disc disease and rheumatoid arthritis.

In order to treat you, a physiotherapist first takes a detailed and accurate medical history. The professional also performs various kinds of tests like testing for coordination, muscle strength, flexibility, balance, palpation and neurological tests among others. After performing these tests, the professional is able to come up with the most ideal treatment plan to overcome the present dysfunction. The treatments that physiotherapists provide are categorized into captive and passive therapies.

Passive therapies include massage, joint mobilization, spinal traction, manipulation, transcutaneous electrical stimulation, myofascial release and ultrasound. Active therapies on the other hand include aerobic training, stretching and strengthening. A physiotherapist can ask you to engage in therapeutic exercises in environments that are free from gravity like swimming pools so that you can stretch your body more easily. Exercising in such environments can also help you build strength faster even if you have problems lifting weights.

As the therapy progresses, your physiotherapist will continue using the ideal treatments for the stage of recovery you are in. The professional will also advise you about what to do to keep the dysfunction from getting worse. Most of the time, you can manage a physical dysfunction by performing stretches and always ensuring that you sit, stand or walk at the right posture.

It is possible for you to experience pain or discomfort when undergoing physiotherapy but a therapist can use treatments that help eliminate pain. Your may feel sore after stretching and exercising your muscles but this soreness can diminish as treatment goes on. The kind of therapy that a physiotherapist uses determines the length of treatment.

Patient education is also an important component of physiotherapy. During the treatment process, you will get to learn about how your spinal cord works, common physical disorders and what causes them, proper body mechanics and the importance of being fit in order to prevention.

When choosing a physical therapist Pittsburgh, make sure that he or she is well trained and licensed to practice in . You should also find out if there are any complaints made against the professional. It is also important to consider is the level of experience that the professional has in treating the condition you are suffering from.

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