Things You Should Know About Prenatal Massage Augusta

By Nichole Cunningham

Although there has been a lot of discussion around the benefits of prenatal massage recent studies has shown that there are some advantages from this therapy. When doing research on the prenatal massage Augusta centers available, it is important to check for a certified and experienced therapist. This is one of the oldest careers and has been available for centuries. That proves that this is an effective muscle relaxing exercise.

Releasing muscle tension and stress relieve is the main reasons people go for these relaxants. It has been used for ages as a medical supplement. It is said that the mother to be can benefit from this to the degree of stress relieve and reduction in depression. It is even said to improve the health of the newborn

When a pregnant woman is stressed her hormone levels are very different from when she is relaxed. Research has shown that with a bi-weekly session has better mood regulation and heart functioning. There is also more dopamine, which is the happy hormone in the system compared to the stress hormones. This positive change in the hormones indicated less birthing complications. Swollen joints are one of the symptoms of pregnancy. Using this therapy can work on the soft tissues and increase circulation in the joint areas. Lymph nodes are also stimulated to release waste.

During pregnancy many women suffer from swollen joints. It can assist by improving the circulation in the joint area working the soft tissue. It also assists in the removal of waste that is carried by the lymph system.

However there are some precautions that have to be taken when going for therapeutic massage. The position of your body when in session is important. Most masseuses advise lying on your side. However some spas will have tables where the belly will fit in a hole. This might cause strain on the uterus and the baby.

When you have decided to go for a pregnancy massage the following should be taken care of and precautions can be taken in the following manners. Body positions during the therapy, most therapists will advice that the mother lay on her side. There are masseuses tables with a hole where the tummy can fit through. Care should be taken as unnecessary pressure can be placed on the uterus. It is important to find out prior to the appointment if the therapist is certified and experienced in prenatal care, also confirm what type of table they use for therapies.

In training the therapists are trained on pressure points around the wrists and ankles for pregnant ladies. These points will stimulate the pelvic muscle. They are also trained to avoid certain points on the body which might be harmful to the baby. The importance of a certified and experienced therapist goes without saying. If there have been contractions prior it is important to inform the therapist of this. She will take care in avoiding certain areas all together. If you have a high risk pregnancy, it is advised to contact your doctor first before going for the scheduled appointment.

Do your research before making an appointment at a prenatal massage Augusta center. Understanding all the aspects, both positive and negative, will give you an overall understanding. It is also important to note that if anything does not feel right after the massage that the doctor should be consulted immediately. This might be highly unlikely but no risks should be taken during pregnancy.

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