What Are The Best Treatments To Reduce Back Acne?

By Sean T Saunders

Acne is a bacterial skin disease which might crop up when the oil glands located underneath the skin secrete an excessive amount of lubricating sebum oil. The extra oil could get mixed with dead skin cells and skin surface impurities and block the pores in the skin. Skin pores that are clogged can easily get infected with P. acnes, the micro organism which causes the skin infection. One place where people, especially men, are susceptible to developing acne is on the upper back because this region of the body has lots of sebaceous glands. Understanding how to get rid of acne on your back entails reading and following a few simple tips

1. Good Hygiene Removes Back Acne - One of the best recommendations on how to get rid of acne on your back is to wash twice per day with the help of a cleanser that is hypoallergenic and also carries antibacterial substances. You need to gently exfoliate the skin surface by applying the cleansing agent with a sponge , loofah or soft brush. Doing this will open up the skin pores and also kill any bacteria or microorganism that are responsible for the skin infection. After any kind of heavy physical activity which makes the body sweat heavily the back of your torso needs to be washed. The skin on the back is thicker than in most areas on the body but be sure not to rub the skin vigorously and irritate the skin as this will spread an acne infection.

2. Clean Clothes Prevent Back Acne - As we have already discussed, acne is a bacterial infection. That makes it very important that any objects that come into contact with your skin are well washed and clean to ensure that they are free from dirt and other infectious bacteria. After cleansing the acne affected areas it is important to wear fresh clothes to prevent infection from previously worn clothing. Other things which come in touch with your skin like pillow cases and bed sheets must be washed regularly using a mild, hypoallergenic detergent to ensure they are bacteria free.

3. Don't Rub Back Acne - Friction could easily annoy the acne infection and the infectious bacteria may spread out to other adjoining parts making the acne condition to worsen. Which means you should not wear clothes that are tight fitting or restrictive or are made out of non-breathable materials because they could annoy the skin infection and make it worse. Wear clothes that are loose and comfortable and that are made from natural materials that breathe. Tight fitting sports pads and backpacks can cause Acne Mechanica, a sort of acne skin infection, if they are worn on a regular basis while the back is sweating heavily. You need to wash any areas where friction occurred from pads or straps scrupulously after use.

4. Natural Cures for Back Acne - You can find various natural and holistic methods which can be used to handle the skin infection and they are an excellent example of how to get rid of acne on your back. Apple cider vinegar is prepared naturally from apples that have been allowed to ferment. Apple cider vinegar destroys acne bacteria, absorbs surplus sebum and keeps the skin pH in a balanced state. Tea tree oil from Australia is another potent bactericidal ingredient which kills the bacteria that causes acne. Aloe Vera gel works in a variety of ways. It contains potent ingredients which work as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and a topical analgesic. Which means it destroys acne bacteria, makes the pimples and other swellings smaller and provides relief from pain and itchiness.

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