Chronic UTI

By Aneron Kepasil

UTI occurs when bacteria gets into the urine and begins to grow. The infection usually starts at the opening of the urethra where the urine leaves the body and moves upward into the urinary tract. The bacteria is commonly known as E. Coli and is known to be the culprit in 90% of uncomplicated infections. The bacteria normally lives in the bowel and around the anus but can move from the area of the anus to the urethra.

There are several natural solutions that you can implement to reverse the causes of UTI. Drinking a lot of water is a good way to get rid of potential bacteria that can cause a UTI. avoiding coffee and spicy food can combat the causes of UTI because these foods can irritate the bladder. Decreaseing your sexual activity can combat the causes of UTI. By decreasing your sexual ac tivity you decrease the chance of infection intering your urethra and bladder.

If you are unable to visit your doctor after symptoms appear, there are several natural remedies to bring relief. 1)At the first sign of infection, mix teaspoon of baking soda into a eight-ounce glass of water. Baking soda increases the acid-base balance in your system, bringing down the acidity in your urine. 2)Stay hydrated. Though it may feel as if you need to urinate every few minutes, your body is still craving fluids. Cleansing your body with water will move along any unwanted bacteria. 3)Known for its power of fighting the common cold, Echinacea can be helpful in battling your UTI. Taking two capsules three times a day can start you on the path back to wellness. 4)Possibly the most well known natural form of relief is cranberry juice. It works by not allowing bacteria to cling to cells lining the urinary tract and offers quick relief. While tart in flavor, cranberry juice is often one of the fastest and most effective ways to eliminate an infection.

The symptoms of a urinary tract infection are: a strong urge to urinate, a burning sensation when urinating, blood or bacteria in the urine, a strong odor from the urine, unable to pass large amounts of urine. What causes a urinary tract infection? There are many factors that can bring on a urinary infection. Such factors and causes of a urinary tract infection are the following: being a female, being sexually active, age, birth control medication, diabetes, and reoccurring tract infections.

Increasing your hygiene can decrease the amount of bacteria and germs that are on your body. Drinking cranberry juice can help the body get rid of toxins and bacteria. It helps fight the causes of UTI because it is well known to help flush your body of potential triggeers and causes of UTI. If you smoke, you are only increasing your cause of UTI. If you quit smoking, you decrease your chance of irritating your bladder and could cause bladder cancer.

Urizol is a new, natural herbal supplement designed to address the root causes of UTI infections while providing quick relief of symptoms. Using a special blend of ingredients including cranberry, asparagus, Echinacea and more, Urizol will treat UTI infections quickly, safely and effectively. Urizol provides diuretic, antibacterial and immune boosting properties, in addition to disinfecting the urinary tract and reducing irritation. Scientifically formulated, Urizol is the ideal natural supplement for the treatment of UTI infections.

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