I Found An Amazing Website That Offered Some Great Natural Beauty Tips

By Carmelo D. Cronin

There came a time in my life when I was just so sick of seeing women on television and in magazines wearing stupid-looking fashions and caked with makeup and I just longed for some natural beauty tips. By this I mean advice on how to look and feel beautiful without depending on shocking outfits or covering my face in so much makeup that I would just forget entirely who I was and what I stood for.

The only problem was that I didn't have the first clue about where to look to find someone who could give me advice without pressuring me to purchase something or convince me that I couldn't be beautiful if I didn't look like the popular model of the moment. Eventually, I made friends with a woman who owned a small bookshop in my area and immediately I could tell that she was just one of the most confident and friendly people I had ever met in my life.

She had the type of effortless beauty that a person sees only on very rare occasions in life and not usually in circumstances where this ethereal person is around to ask questions to. And I did ask questions to her, as I sincerely sought to learn where she had gained this sense of confidence from and if she had any natural beauty tips for me that I could apply to my own life.

I could hardly believe it when she told me that she had been in the exact same spot several years ago, feeling bad about herself and comparing herself to the images of fake looking models she would see in the media. She had come across a website that truly turned her life around, as it offered a lot of wonderful and honest tips for learning how to be beautiful in your own way without conforming to unrealistic media standards.

I looked through this website for quite a while and started to take some steps to apply the lessons from the website in my life and right away, I felt a big difference in the way I felt about myself and I honestly felt beautiful and had much more confidence. I was surprised when friends and acquaintances started telling me how wonderful I looked and asking what was so different about me, and I got a lot of questions about where they can go to learn how to look and feel good too!

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