Seeking Relief From Your Arthritis? Try These Tips!

By Dr Pj Prakash

The symptoms of arthritis can make it hard to get your normal day-to-day activities accomplished due to pain and stiffness of the joints. If this describes your life, this article is for you. Read the tips in this article to learn how to live with arthritis.

Try to laugh a lot. No matter how you make yourself laugh, understand that it is a great way to reduce stress. Laughing is a therapeutic aid to those suffering from arthritis so it is important to use it as much as possible.

Women who suffer from arthritis should not wear high heels. While stylish, high heels can cause a great deal of pain and damage to your feet. They tend to cause a twisting pressure on your knees, which can only aggravate the arthritis in these crucial, complicated joints. Stick to comfortable shoes and your arthritis pain will likely diminish. Your feet and legs will be grateful.

You can help combat arthritis by to listening to your body. Every arthritis sufferer is different, and only you know how your condition affects you. Learn to recognize the symptoms of arthritis, and monitor their progress every day. When you are fatigued, take a break and rest for a bit.

Drink lots of water. Always satisfy cravings of thirst, and keep in mind that there is really no better liquid for you than good old-fashioned water. Some fluids that contain caffeine will dehydrate your body and should be avoided.

Stay away from cigarette smoke, whether you smoke yourself or not. Nicotine reduces the blood flow to the extremities which can reduce inflammation short term. It also causes joint damage and will result in your arthritis progressing more rapidly than in a non-smoker.

There are multiple medications available that can help you deal with arthritis. Take your medications as directed to get the maximum benefit from them. If you don't feel like the medicine is working like it should, let your doctor know and he may able to give you something else.

Acupuncture is a proven method for relieving arthritis pain. This can sound extremely scary if you've never done it. Talk to a professional to learn more about acupuncture. If applied in a strategic place, acupuncture can relieve pain or tension in the body.

Simple exercises, for example, walking and swimming, have been proven to assist in reducing some of the inconvenience and discomfort associated with arthritic pain. If you are unsure about exercising, before starting consult your doctor.

Water sports are great for those who suffer from arthritis. These activities will stretch your muscles and joints. In addition, warm water is known to alleviate chronic arthritis pain. If you don't feel comfortable in the water, consider taking a swimming class.

Try losing weight if you feel that is an issue you are dealing with. Issues, such as weight, can make your arthritis worse. Losing weight can sometimes alleviate the pain and discomfort of arthritis. Dropping your weight by a few pounds can bring relief to your aching, overburdened joints.

If you wear high heels, this could be causing some of your pain and you should throw them out. Shoes that aren't comfortable will only exacerbate your arthritis and hurt your posture and back. Choose shoes that will give you the greatest amount of support.

If you're a chronic arthritis sufferer who experiences problems like those described in the beginning of this article, you know how debilitating your disorder is. We hope you've learned something from this article that you can apply to become a happier, healthier person who has an easier time living.

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