6 Ways to Combat Female Hair Loss Starting Today

By Leland A. Murray

Women's hair loss can be quite devastating to its victims. A woman's hair is often the first thing that others notice about her. Unfortunately, there is an unmistakable stigma associated with ladies who are lacking lots of lovely locks. If you've noticed more and more strands (or even clumps) of hair in the bathroom sink, tub drain, and throughout your hair brush, maybe it's time to start looking into some viable hair loss treatments. This article will reveal some of these with you.

There really are numerous potential causes and types of women's hair loss. Some of these are permanent in nature, while others are only temporary. Child birth, pregnancy, excess stress, harsh hair products, excessive manipulation and styling, various illnesses, medications and birth control, and scalp infections are all examples of temporary hair loss causes.

The more permanent type of hair loss generally occurs for a much different reason. It's the more common, genetic type. Most of us call it female pattern baldness. This can be passed down through the generations, and is most often not the sufferer's fault. A nasty hormone called dht is usually to blame, along with insufficient delivery of nutrients to the hair follicles.

These 6 treatment options are commonly employed by other female hair loss sufferers:

1. Dietary shifts. Consuming foods and beverages rich in magnesium, iron, B-vitamins, copper, and zinc will benefit your hair follicles greatly.

2. Physical activity can improve your body's circulation. As most cases of female hair loss result from inadequate blood delivery from the capillaries in the scalp to the hair follicles, this is extremely important. In addition to exercising for this purpose, frequent scalp massages may also help stimulate proper circulation throughout the scalp.

3. Low level laser treatment is said to have a stimulating effect on the hair follicles, encouraging them to begin regrowing hair. Some of these lasers have even been given clearance by the FDA, although some experts still doubt their complete effectiveness.

4. Wigs, hats, and extensions can be used as a first line of defense. You'll find that most treatments can take several months to have a noticeable affect on your hair. If that seems like an eternity given your condition, then you may want to start looking into some "cover up" options right away. Today's cover-up options are more fashionable and downright sexy than ever before!

5. Medications like minoxidil have yielded more consistent results among female hair loss sufferers than probably any other course of treatment. Minoxidil (at a 2% solution for women) works by dilating the tiny blood vessels in your scalp. This allows for maximum delivery of nutrients to the hair follicles.

6. Going under the knife is another option. If you've got more money than you've got patience, this can be a viable, surefire way to turn your hair loss around very quickly. As long as you choose your surgeon with great care, you may be able to restore your hair growth right away.

I hope you've found some benefit from the information above. This list is not exhaustive by any means, but it does contain six of the most historically effective treatments for women suffering from thinning hair. Please do your research, and consult with your physician, prior to implementing any of the treatment options we just discussed.

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