Not Everything You Have Heard About Acne Is True

By Fletcher Dubay

If you're interested in lasting relief from acne you need to avoid the many myths that only prolong outbreaks. Many of these myths will do far more harm than good if you try them out for yourself. Avoid these common acne myths and you'll be off to a great start.

Teenagers are thought to be the only ones who have acne, according to most people. It might even be a worse problem for adults to have, because teenagers are expected to have acne. There are many teenagers who have emotional problems coming from acne, but when it happens at that age, many of your friends are going through the same thing. When you make it past the teenage years and become acne free, it can be difficult for an adult to wake up with acne. Acne is definitely something that continues past high school, since a quarter of men and half of women who reach adulthood, will suffer from acne. It is hardly unusual to see acne in adults, even though it is not as common. Don't be distressed when you see you have acne, whatever age you are, because it can be treated effectively in many different ways. Many of the views about acne are only myths, especially two viewpoints that are very extreme. One is that some miracle product can instantly cure your acne. Don't buy into all of the hype you find with products that will miraculously heal you, because in the majority of cases, their product doesn't work as well as they say it does. The extreme of being no cure and nothing can be done, is just as bad to hear as the other. There are lots of ways to help your acne, even if a doctor will tell you that it is incurable. There really is never any guarantee with any problem, that at some time it might not return. Healing and controlling acne can be done, when you use the right methods. Treating acne takes patience and sometimes means trying a few different approaches, but it can be managed. Don't give up when the results don't come instantly, but keep at your treatments and your acne will improve.

There's nothing contagious about acne. You may have heard rumors that acne can be spread by kissing, by sharing soap or by some other way. Acne isn't some sort of contagious disease. It doesn't spread from person to person like the common cold. It's all about the hormones and bacteria being created within the body and not external factors. Even the experts are beginning to debate whether or not outside factors like stress and diet can contribute to acne. But, they all agree that it isn't contagious at all.

There are a lot of people who get frustrated when their acne won't clear up, and then to make matters worse, they take too much medicine. There is a myth that many people have bought into, and that is twice as much medicine will work if a little medication isn't working fast enough. Too much medication can be harmful, so this is not a good way to think. The medication for your acne should only be taken in the proper dosages, or you could irritate your skin. A lot of people try home remedies first and then over-the-counter medication, but if they all fail, a dermatologist will be your next visit. If the doctor wants you to take prescription drugs, the same recommended dosage rule, needs to be followed. Acne can be a very frustrating problem, and when you're confused about what is and isn't true about it, the situation can be even worse. Hopefully, you'll be able to avoid a few of the fictitious acne cures after reading this. With so much misinformation going around about acne it's wise to turn to your doctor for the truth.

Sadly, of all the many reasons why people get acne, most people choose to believe myths rather than searching for facts. On a similar note, many cures that are often recommended are not helpful and even harmful in some cases. It's best to investigate any information you hear about acne, or ask your doctor, before believing it.

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